Climate crisis? Try this!

It’s a prob­lem that every­one runs into every now and then. It is a anoth­er day at the office, you are just get­ting into the flow of work­ing won­ders for human­i­ty, med­ical progress, eco­nom­ic growth — and then your plan­et sud­den­ly turns out to have a cli­mate cri­sis. What to do? I dis­cuss five home made …

No one is forgotten

On World Ani­mal Day, I would like to share a quo­ta­tion that I found in a book about ani­mal rights from Andrew Linzey. It is a vision that was record­ed by Julian of Nor­wich, a remark­able woman from the 14th cen­tu­ry who lived as a her­mit in Eng­land. The text is old Eng­lish and has an appropriately …

The vegan who ate yoghurt

I hes­i­tate in front of the refrig­er­a­tor in the super­mar­ket. Being a veg­an, I usu­al­ly fast-track past the dairy sec­tion, but today I devi­ate from my nor­mal round. I study the dif­fer­ent types of yogurt. Organ­ic, of course. Hmm, blue­ber­ries. This excur­sion into the realms of dairy, now more than a month ago, is part …

Don’t push it

I cycle through Aberdeen, a bag of gro­ceries swing­ing from my steer­ing wheel. I have been to the Lidl where you can buy, for exam­ple, cau­li­flower and zuc­chi­ni with­out pack­ag­ing. Shop­ping veg­an and plas­tic-free by bike, it doesn’t get much more envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly. But the warm, fuzzy feel­ing stays away. Instead, I feel anger bub­bling up. …

Back to the wild

A Dutch cow, Her­mien, was on the news because she escaped from a trans­port to a slaugh­ter­house six weeks ago, and has been liv­ing in the woods ever since. Anoth­er news item was about a cow in Poland who escaped and joined a herd of wild bison. The Par­ty for the Ani­mals is rais­ing mon­ey to take …