It’s a problem that everyone runs into every now and then. It is a another day at the office, you are just getting into the flow of working wonders for humanity, medical progress, economic growth — and then your planet suddenly turns out to have a climate crisis. What to do? I discuss five home made …
No one is forgotten
On World Animal Day, I would like to share a quotation that I found in a book about animal rights from Andrew Linzey. It is a vision that was recorded by Julian of Norwich, a remarkable woman from the 14th century who lived as a hermit in England. The text is old English and has an appropriately …
The vegan who ate yoghurt
I hesitate in front of the refrigerator in the supermarket. Being a vegan, I usually fast-track past the dairy section, but today I deviate from my normal round. I study the different types of yogurt. Organic, of course. Hmm, blueberries. This excursion into the realms of dairy, now more than a month ago, is part …
Don’t push it
I cycle through Aberdeen, a bag of groceries swinging from my steering wheel. I have been to the Lidl where you can buy, for example, cauliflower and zucchini without packaging. Shopping vegan and plastic-free by bike, it doesn’t get much more environmentally friendly. But the warm, fuzzy feeling stays away. Instead, I feel anger bubbling up. …
Refusing to be enemies
“It annoys me to no end: another vegan who gets sentimental about a cow that is going to be killed. Believe me, no one loves my animals more than I do. I work more than 100 hours a week just to stay afloat. That is not easy, because the supermarkets have us in a headlock. We …
Back to the wild
A Dutch cow, Hermien, was on the news because she escaped from a transport to a slaughterhouse six weeks ago, and has been living in the woods ever since. Another news item was about a cow in Poland who escaped and joined a herd of wild bison. The Party for the Animals is raising money to take …