Ever closer union?

For me, the Euro­pean Union has always been a fact of life. At pri­ma­ry school in The Nether­lands we got a Euro-pass­­port to pre­pare us for the intro­duc­tion of the euro. It con­tained a quiz to find out if you were Dutch, Euro­pean or a world cit­i­zen. I can not remem­ber exact­ly what my outcome …

Corbyn and the bicycle

Last week Jere­my Cor­byn was elect­ed the new leader of the British Labour Par­ty. This elec­tion has occu­pied the nation for months. It is of course an inter­nal mat­ter, but Labour is the largest oppo­si­tion par­ty, so the out­come deter­mines who will be the leader of the oppo­si­tion. It turned out to be Cor­byn, a …

Left or right

In the UK, peo­ple are wait­ing anx­ious­ly for the birth of a new prince or princess. It was sup­posed to hap­pen in late April, but it is a bit delayed. Anoth­er thing peo­ple are look­ing for­ward to are the nation­al elec­tions. At least we know on what date those are going to hap­pen: The 7th …