Beings of light

Here in Aberdeen I work in child­care. When it’s bed­time, I tell the chil­dren sto­ries about Nar­nia. Some­times I also tell sto­ries that I have made up, and we come up with new ideas togeth­er. This always involves a large amount of mag­ic and fan­ta­sy. Sto­ries about strange crea­tures and mys­te­ri­ous pow­ers are not only …

Back to the Earth

Our back­packs are packed and our fam­i­ly mem­bers are blink­ing back their last tears: It’s time to say good­bye to the Nether­lands again. We will spend the next five months in Chile, where we will work on sev­er­al farms through WWOOF. It may not seem the most log­i­cal step after obtain­ing a PhD degree (Fred­dy) …

Colourful world

I was cycling home this after­noon when I sud­den­ly saw a huge rain­bow, shin­ing over the hous­es. After I had been watch­ing for a while, it start­ed rain­ing and I quick­ly got on my bike again. The trees along the street had adorned the gray tar­mac with bright yel­low leaves. The sun shone on it, …