The wheel of the year

For weeks, beau­ti­ful blue flow­ers dom­i­nat­ed the park oppo­site our house. But now that I final­ly get around to tak­ing a pic­ture, most of them have already fin­ished flow­er­ing. Large teasel plants are start­ing to take their place. Some­times I feel like I should be flow­er­ing all the time. Like I should be ent­hou­si­as­tic about work, …

Mud on my face

Oops, my foot almost slips away. I quick­ly take a big step to regain my bal­ance. It’s tricky with Y. dan­gling between my out­stretched hands. He is sus­pend­ed above a pool of mud that reach­es my ankles. The back­pack on his back doesn’t make it any eas­i­er. It was his idea to bring it with …

Talking to a tree

I hur­ry along the nar­row path. The rain has final­ly over­tak­en me, here in the rel­a­tive wilder­ness at the edge of Read­ing. I know there will be a place to shel­ter around the cor­ner. There it is, the plane tree. Knob­bly, lop­sided and with branch­es that almost reach the ground. Hug­ging it would take four …

Back to the wild

A Dutch cow, Her­mien, was on the news because she escaped from a trans­port to a slaugh­ter­house six weeks ago, and has been liv­ing in the woods ever since. Anoth­er news item was about a cow in Poland who escaped and joined a herd of wild bison. The Par­ty for the Ani­mals is rais­ing mon­ey to take …

Shaken up

It’s our first morn­ing on Chiloé. We are halfway through our break­fast when my tea­spoon sud­den­ly starts danc­ing on its saucer. At the same time it seems like some­one is at bang­ing on the door. Sur­prised, we feel that the floor is shak­ing. It is only then that we real­ize the whole house is shaking. …

Adventures in Patagonia

The moment I pull the brand new inca hat with pink accents over my ears, my hol­i­day has start­ed. We have tak­en a break from the work to explore a bit of Patag­o­nia for a cou­ple of days. In Coy­haique the rain is pour­ing down, but soon we are high and dry in a car …