
Our cur­rent stay in Mada­gas­car has almost come to an end. The return jour­ney is planned for Sat­ur­day, but men­tal­ly we already made the biggest step. Last week­end we crossed the “emp­ti­er, dark­er, more ter­ri­fy­ing” dis­tance between Ambo­hit­si­laozana and Tana. Two months in a vil­lage among the rice fields, and now the big city. An …


We are almost enter­ing our last month in Mada­gas­car. Unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly, Fred­dy looks for­ward to leav­ing. It is tough, doing inter­views in the rain: trans­port is dif­fi­cult, and the farm­ers are always at work in the rice fields. And Fred­dy is now on antibi­otics for inflamed lit­tle wounds on his feet. But of course there is …

home is a place.

A red­dish brown road, sur­round­ed by bush­es with pur­ple flow­ers. Below in the val­ley, the reed and rice fields slow­ly wind upwards to the hills. There in the dis­tance the lavaka’s, big ero­sion gul­lies, flame red. Near­by there are some banana trees and a row of palm trees. A lit­tle boy is herd­ing his geese. …