Monday in January

It is a sun­ny morn­ing. It is also Mon­day, but despite the blue sky it is def­i­nite­ly not a Blue Mon­day. This morn­ing I final­ly put on my run­ning shoes again, after weeks of lazi­ness. It was great to do my usu­al run in the park. And as a per­fect reward there was the full moon, …

Interfaith in Medway

Peo­ple in con­nec­tion with God: Quak­ers in silence, Mus­lims kneel­ing broth­er­ly togeth­er, Hin­dus in an explo­sion of col­ors. The Inter­faith group expe­ri­enced it all. Last Sun­day the annu­al pil­grim­age took place, in which we vis­it­ed sev­er­al places of wor­ship. The day began in the cathe­dral of Rochester. There was a small cer­e­mo­ny and the pilgrims …

Interfaith dialogue

For me, the pow­er of faith has nev­er been described more elo­quent­ly than in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. The book is about Piscine, a 16 year old boy from Puducher­ry, India. After he is ship­wrecked, he goes through a ter­ri­ble ordeal. His love of God pulls him through: The black­ness would stir and eventually …