
It is Thurs­day morn­ing, 8 o’clock. With a huge water­mel­on in my back­pack and a full shop­ping bag hang­ing at the han­dle­bar, I cycle through Gilling­ham on Freddy’s bicy­cle. I deliv­er the big bag at the char­i­ty shop halfway, but the mel­on is com­ing with me to work. It will be part of our farewell …

Precious life

There are many rea­sons to not eat meat, all of which are valid in them­selves: The impact on the envi­ron­ment, a fair dis­tri­b­u­tion of food, your own health… But today I want to look at the moral prin­ci­ple: Is it bad to kill and eat an ani­mal? This will inevitably bring up some ele­ments from …

From the dust

I am lack­ing inspi­ra­tion in this week that is ded­i­cat­ed to unpack­ing box­es and fix the paper­work. Luck­i­ly, one of the things that came out of the box­es were our books. Think­ing about the for­mu­la that goes with Ash Wednes­day, I col­lect­ed some excerpts. Har­ry was just think­ing that all he need­ed was for Dumbledore’s …