Sentenced to action

I would like to take a moment to cheer for big news from our small coun­try, The Nether­lands. A court ruled today that the gov­ern­ment should do more to reduce green­house gas emis­sions. Of course it is actu­al­ly very sad and frus­trat­ing that this was nec­es­sary. It is 2015, all over the world ecosys­tems are …

Autumn leaves

The chang­ing sea­sons are a won­der­ful part of being in Hol­land. At the moment, the autumn is mak­ing its pres­ence very clear. It treat­ed us this week to the end­ing of day sav­ing time, the first kruid­noten and an enor­mous grape har­vest! In Zwolle, it was not only autumn leaves that fell from the trees, …

Road to the sea

Fred­dy and I have seen a lot of The Nether­lands dur­ing the past weeks. Espe­cial­ly Fred­dy has been sail­ing on Dutch waters. One thing he did was a sail­ing trip of sev­er­al days on the IJs­selmeer and through Ams­ter­dam. I joined him dur­ing one day, that turned out to be the only sun­ny day of …