The Global Goals were launched in September last year. These successors of the Millennium Development Goals try to give a complete picture of how we can improve our world. The goals are based on extensive consultation of stakeholders. The most important outcome is the realization that poverty reduction and a sustainable society are two sides …
Overcoming evil with good
Montgomery, a southern city in the USA, in 1955. African Americans, who make up the majority of the population, are being treated as second class citizens. Because of the so-called Jim Crow laws they have to use separate restrooms, restaurants and schools. In the city buses, ‘colored’ people can only use the rear seats. In …
Sustainable Development Goals
This year is going to be very exciting. The United Nations (meaning all of us) will go around the table to determine development goals. Do you remember the Millennium Development Goals? The logos will probably ring a bell. For years, this has been the framework of development work. But a goal always comes with a …