The wolf and the lamb

I was intro­duced to the prin­ci­ple of non-vio­­lence by the books of Gand­hi and Tol­stoy. These authors made it clear that liv­ing non-vio­­len­t­­ly meant that they did not eat meat. After I had been veg­e­tar­i­an for a few years, I began to feel like a hyp­ocrite because I still ate the prod­ucts of the animals …

Interfaith dialogue

For me, the pow­er of faith has nev­er been described more elo­quent­ly than in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. The book is about Piscine, a 16 year old boy from Puducher­ry, India. After he is ship­wrecked, he goes through a ter­ri­ble ordeal. His love of God pulls him through: The black­ness would stir and eventually …

Fasting for peace

The British peo­ple nev­er cease to amaze us with their crazy habits. For exam­ple, we recent­ly dis­cov­ered that the day before Ash Wednes­day is called ‘Pan­cake Day’ here. They orga­nize actu­al pan­cake races, where­by par­tic­i­pants toss a pan­cake up and down in a fry­ing pan while run­ning. We are always in for pan­cakes, so tomorrow …

A voice for children

Today, Kailash Sat­yarthi and Malala Yousafzai have received the Nobel Peace Prize. I watched their speech­es. A small impres­sion. Let us glob­alise com­pas­sion. Not pas­sive com­pas­sion, but trans­for­ma­tive com­pas­sion that leads to jus­tice, equal­i­ty, and free­dom. Mahat­ma Gand­hi said, “If we are to teach real peace in this world… we shall have to begin with …

Gandhi and Truth

Today is Mahat­ma Gandhi’s birth­day and con­se­quent­ly the day of non­vi­o­lence. I would like to quote from the intro­duc­tion to Gandhi’s auto­bi­og­ra­phy. In between the text are pic­tures that Fred­dy took when he was climb­ing Mt Kenya in March. … I have giv­en the chap­ters I pro­pose to write the title of The Sto­ry of My …