Our personal Baby-exit could happen any day now. Hopefully, it will be easier and less frantic than the Brexit. It might help that there is little room to negotiate; the baby is now the only one with decision power. And he has a few more weeks to make his entrance into the world. Obviously, having a …
No one is forgotten
On World Animal Day, I would like to share a quotation that I found in a book about animal rights from Andrew Linzey. It is a vision that was recorded by Julian of Norwich, a remarkable woman from the 14th century who lived as a hermit in England. The text is old English and has an appropriately …
God’s love for animals
During the last few weeks, animals have been very much part of our social environment. In the kitchen, the dogs had the best places near the stove. It was always nice (and warm) to sit with them and scribble their ears. Meanwhile, attempts were made to get some discipline into the three kittens, who were …
God with us
This Sunday will be the start of Advent, which probably also means the start of Christmas stress for all mothers in the UK who have to get their families through the festivities with enough food, presents and decorations. No Christmas Carols and High Street shopping for us this year, because we celebrate Christmas in Chile. The …
Theology at sea
Last week, we have been sailing on the Dutch IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea. We enjoyed the panoramic views with beautiful cloud formations. Birds could be seen everywhere, looking for fish or busy keeping an eye on their children. The moon rose full and bright orange when we anchored at the Lorenz locks. The weather …
Christians and animals
Anyone who takes up the task of explaining the ethics behind veganism, draws their main arguments from the book Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. Time to read this classic from 1975 for myself. Singer is a utilitarian, which means his ultimate goal is to minimize the amount of suffering in the world. Other moral signposts, …