A different view

His­to­ry is writ­ten by the vic­tors. This applies to what we humans do to each oth­er as well as to our treat­ment of oth­er species. As humans, we see our­selves as the mea­sure of all things. How­ev­er, I think the world is more beau­ti­ful if we broad­en our mind. In an inter­view with NRC, Frans …

In the midst of the innumerable stars

At the risk of bor­ing the read­er, I’m writ­ing again about Ivan the cat. There are things that Ivan and I share. Many of our bio­log­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics are the same. Accord­ing to the Dalai Lama, we both seek peace, com­fort and secu­ri­ty. Togeth­er, we devel­oped our habits and pat­terns, and there is def­i­nite­ly some communication …

The Selfless Gene (2)

What is the dif­fi­cul­ty about liv­ing with God and Dar­win? If we ask Dar­win him­self, he gives a clear answer in the quote above: Nat­ur­al selec­tion appears to be a process of waste, cru­el­ty, suf­fer­ing, and destruc­tion of the weak. Ich­neu­monidae are wasps that lay their eggs in the lar­vae of oth­er insects, after which …