History is written by the victors. This applies to what we humans do to each other as well as to our treatment of other species. As humans, we see ourselves as the measure of all things. However, I think the world is more beautiful if we broaden our mind. In an interview with NRC, Frans …
In the midst of the innumerable stars
At the risk of boring the reader, I’m writing again about Ivan the cat. There are things that Ivan and I share. Many of our biological characteristics are the same. According to the Dalai Lama, we both seek peace, comfort and security. Together, we developed our habits and patterns, and there is definitely some communication …
The Selfless Gene (2)
What is the difficulty about living with God and Darwin? If we ask Darwin himself, he gives a clear answer in the quote above: Natural selection appears to be a process of waste, cruelty, suffering, and destruction of the weak. Ichneumonidae are wasps that lay their eggs in the larvae of other insects, after which …
The Selfless Gene (1)
On the birthday of Charles Darwin, I want to discuss a book that I mainly started reading for the subtitle: Living with God and Darwin. I have always been around a lot of people who live with God and others who live with Darwin. But I have been a little short on people who are …