Farm animals in the Global Goals

The Glob­al Goals were launched in Sep­tem­ber last year. These suc­ces­sors of the Mil­len­ni­um Devel­op­ment Goals try to give a com­plete pic­ture of how we can improve our world. The goals are based on exten­sive con­sul­ta­tion of stake­hold­ers. The most impor­tant out­come is the real­iza­tion that pover­ty reduc­tion and a sus­tain­able soci­ety are two sides …

New Year’s Revolutions

Our Christ­mas hol­i­days were great and full of vis­i­tors. The last days of 2014 were sun­ny, with the moon as a white water­mark on the bright blue sky. We cel­e­brat­ed Christ­mas at church and at home with crack­ers and ‘boughs of hol­ly’. We have been to Rochester and Lon­don. In the Vic­to­ria & Albert museum …