New energy in Paris

The pro­tag­o­nist of the book Flight Behav­iour by Bar­bara King­solver is look­ing for change. Since she became preg­nant at sev­en­teen years old, the course of her life has been deter­mined by oth­er peo­ple. The arrival of thou­sands of Monarch but­ter­flies in the moun­tains around the lit­tle vil­lage turns her life upside down. She becomes involved …

Sentenced to action

I would like to take a moment to cheer for big news from our small coun­try, The Nether­lands. A court ruled today that the gov­ern­ment should do more to reduce green­house gas emis­sions. Of course it is actu­al­ly very sad and frus­trat­ing that this was nec­es­sary. It is 2015, all over the world ecosys­tems are …

Forest of Peace

We recent­ly watched the BBC series Plan­et Oil. An inter­est­ing sto­ry about the his­to­ry of oil, but with a depress­ing end­ing. Our addic­tion to fos­sil fuels has thor­ough­ly dis­rupt­ed the eco­log­i­cal bal­ance of the plan­et. It is frus­trat­ing to see how slow alter­na­tive ener­gy is devel­op­ing, main­ly because noth­ing hap­pens at the pol­i­cy lev­el. In …