Information overload

The weeks are fly­ing by. Last one was a week with­out rain, so every night I was out with my water­ing can to take care of the tulips and wannabe veg­etable gar­den. Today moth­er Nature watered the plants for me, which is much eas­i­er. I also got involved in the fight against the dan­de­lions in …

Interfaith dialogue

For me, the pow­er of faith has nev­er been described more elo­quent­ly than in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. The book is about Piscine, a 16 year old boy from Puducher­ry, India. After he is ship­wrecked, he goes through a ter­ri­ble ordeal. His love of God pulls him through: The black­ness would stir and eventually …

Fasting for peace

The British peo­ple nev­er cease to amaze us with their crazy habits. For exam­ple, we recent­ly dis­cov­ered that the day before Ash Wednes­day is called ‘Pan­cake Day’ here. They orga­nize actu­al pan­cake races, where­by par­tic­i­pants toss a pan­cake up and down in a fry­ing pan while run­ning. We are always in for pan­cakes, so tomorrow …

Darwin at Tahiti

Because today is the birth­day of Charles Dar­win, I have browsed the essays of Stephen J. Gould to find some­thing to write about. Gould was an evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gist, with a great inter­est in the his­to­ry of sci­ence. He is one of my favorite authors. We have one book of him, a yel­lowed Pen­guin edi­tion of …

New Year’s Revolutions

Our Christ­mas hol­i­days were great and full of vis­i­tors. The last days of 2014 were sun­ny, with the moon as a white water­mark on the bright blue sky. We cel­e­brat­ed Christ­mas at church and at home with crack­ers and ‘boughs of hol­ly’. We have been to Rochester and Lon­don. In the Vic­to­ria & Albert museum …

Cows ethics

For me, a veg­e­tar­i­an diet is an impor­tant part of striv­ing for non­vi­o­lence. Writ­ing about this puts me in a vul­ner­a­ble posi­tion, because the great major­i­ty of peo­ple do not share this belief, while it is very cen­tral in my life. Veg­e­tar­i­ans can also make the impres­sion of being moral­is­tic; Thieme calls this the ‘accu­sa­tion …