Cheap labour

In April 2013 Rana Plaza col­lapsed, a ran­dom fac­to­ry build­ing in Dha­ka turned into a name that is engraved in the his­to­ry of Bangladesh. The day before the dis­as­ter it was clear that some­thing was wrong because cracks appeared in the walls. That is why the shops on the ground floor had already closed their …

Coming and going

My first impres­sion of Dha­ka is a riot of colours. Paint­ed walls and tall office build­ings with large bill­boards. In between rick­shaws and cars wring their way to their des­ti­na­tion. Just out­side the city cen­tre you can find the cloth­ing fac­to­ries. The women who walk to work, con­tribute to the colour­ful scene. I will write …


The clouds slow­ly turn orange, but the sky is still blue. I see it all through a small win­dow, and half of my view is occu­pied by an air­­plane-wing. Today I fly to Dha­ka, Bangladesh. I am going there for 2 weeks to assist with a review of a num­ber of projects in the garment …