The city where we live, Nanyuki, is close to Mount Kenya. This is the second tallest mountain of Africa. We can even see it from our house. That is to say, we can see the clouds that are always blocking the view. During our first few days here, it would be the first thing in …
Kenya 2013
The ninth month
As soon as the crescent of the new moon, announcing the ninth month, can be seen, the month Ramadan starts; the time of fasting for Muslims. These weeks, a small table has appeared in the newspaper, with sun positions for the mayor cities in Kenya. According to tradition, in this month the Quran was first …
Thoughts on plastic
Just this week we have again picked up our habit of taking a shopping bag instead of leaving every shop with a fresh plastic carrier bag. In a strange way, this issue seems to be less important here than it is in Europe. Of course, once you think about it, that does not make sense. …
Postcards from far away
It is time to share the first impressions that Nairobi has made on us. Below the text you can find the pictures that I will describe here. We have been to the arboretum a number of times, that is a park with a lot of trees that are home to some monkeys. The arboretum was …
Happy World Population Day! Today is the day of the world population, meaning all of us. At the moment, we are living together with 7.1 billion people. The world population is growing exponentially since about the Industrial Revolution (1770). This will have an effect on the geology of our planet, for example through the high CO2 …
Yesterday we arrived at Nairobi, capital city of Kenya. Although we travelled via Cairo, we only witnessed the events there through Al Jazeera. It seems like we have returned to England, we can use the same electrical plugs and bank card. The big difference is the weather, which resembles a nice summer’s day in the …