In the shadow of the mountain

The city where we live, Nanyu­ki, is close to Mount Kenya. This is the sec­ond tallest moun­tain of Africa. We can even see it from our house. That is to say, we can see the clouds that are always block­ing the view. Dur­ing our first few days here, it would be the first thing in …

The ninth month

As soon as the cres­cent of the new moon, announc­ing the ninth month, can be seen, the month Ramadan starts; the time of fast­ing for Mus­lims. These weeks, a small table has appeared in the news­pa­per, with sun posi­tions for the may­or cities in Kenya. Accord­ing to tra­di­tion, in this month the Quran was first …

Postcards from far away

It is time to share the first impres­sions that Nairo­bi has made on us. Below the text you can find the pic­tures that I will describe here. We have been to the arbore­tum a num­ber of times, that is a park with a lot of trees that are home to some mon­keys. The arbore­tum was …


Hap­py World Pop­u­la­tion Day! Today is the day of the world pop­u­la­tion, mean­ing all of us. At the moment, we are liv­ing togeth­er with 7.1 bil­lion peo­ple. The world pop­u­la­tion is grow­ing expo­nen­tial­ly since about the Indus­tri­al Rev­o­lu­tion (1770). This will have an effect on the geol­o­gy of our plan­et, for exam­ple through the high CO2 …


Yes­ter­day we arrived at Nairo­bi, cap­i­tal city of Kenya. Although we trav­elled via Cairo, we only wit­nessed the events there through Al Jazeera. It seems like we have returned to Eng­land, we can use the same elec­tri­cal plugs and bank card. The big dif­fer­ence is the weath­er, which resem­bles a nice summer’s day in the …