Our Christmas holidays were great and full of visitors. The last days of 2014 were sunny, with the moon as a white watermark on the bright blue sky. We celebrated Christmas at church and at home with crackers and ‘boughs of holly’. We have been to Rochester and London. In the Victoria & Albert museum there was an exhibition called Disobedient Objects, with objects that are used in protest marches or riots like Occupy. Not averse to a little revolution, we went straight for it. There was a Dutch banner: Kraken gaat door (Squatting will continue). There was a design for a gas mask made of a plastic bottle. At the end there was a wall where you could write your own protest message. Personally, I could write a whole list of issues on the protest wall, ideals that I share with many other people but which are at the moment not facilitated by ’the system’.
I recently read Revolution by Russell Brand. In England the opinions about this man and this book are strongly divided. Personally, I think he makes some good points, be it in a chaotic style. Take capitalism for example, where everything revolves around profit. If social values are subordinated to profit, it is inevitable that we have a world of child labour, waste surplus and corruption. Brand calls for revolution because he is pessimistic about the will of large companies to change their course of action. But industry also shows some positive signs. A Natural Capital Protocol is planned to be in place in 2016, which will facilitate companies to value the social and environmental costs of their products in a uniform matter. In this way, these costs become part of the economic calculation, which is an incentive to reduce them. Stephen Fry briefly explains it in the video.
On New Year’s Day it was time to say goodbye to our guests and we took a short walk in the park. In the days before, the green grass and the blue sky had peaceful reflected the sun. But on that first day of 2015 the grass was blown to the ground and in the air dark clouds chased along and obscured the moon. A firm Wind of Change had risen to mark the new year. That is my New Year’s resolution: to start a mini‑revolution.