Autumn leaves

The chang­ing sea­sons are a won­der­ful part of being in Hol­land. At the moment, the autumn is mak­ing its pres­ence very clear. It treat­ed us this week to the end­ing of day sav­ing time, the first kruid­noten and an enor­mous grape harvest!


In Zwolle, it was not only autumn leaves that fell from the trees, but now and then a tele­phone also flew by. This was in con­se­quence of our search for tele­phones to replace the stolen ones. When an old Nokia 3310 came on the table, we also heard the sto­ry that this mod­el is very suit­able for mobile phone throw­ing. And of course that had to be checked… Ivan watched from his easy chair.

Telefoon gooien

Mobile phone throwing


Now it is time to say good­bye again to the Dutch rain. In Mada­gas­car the rainy sea­son is start­ing, so we won’t miss a thing. A last view out of the win­dow, where the air­planes are wait­ing on the gleam­ing con­crete. A rain­bow forms in the grey rain­clouds. Goodbye!

Het IJ, Amsterdam

The IJ, Amsterdam

Vlooienmarkt, IJ-hallen, Amsterdam

Flee mar­ket, IJ-hallen, Amsterdam