The changing seasons are a wonderful part of being in Holland. At the moment, the autumn is making its presence very clear. It treated us this week to the ending of day saving time, the first kruidnoten and an enormous grape harvest!
In Zwolle, it was not only autumn leaves that fell from the trees, but now and then a telephone also flew by. This was in consequence of our search for telephones to replace the stolen ones. When an old Nokia 3310 came on the table, we also heard the story that this model is very suitable for mobile phone throwing. And of course that had to be checked… Ivan watched from his easy chair.
Now it is time to say goodbye again to the Dutch rain. In Madagascar the rainy season is starting, so we won’t miss a thing. A last view out of the window, where the airplanes are waiting on the gleaming concrete. A rainbow forms in the grey rainclouds. Goodbye!