Road to the sea

"De lucht hangt er laag, en de zon wordt er langzaam
In grijze, veelkleurige dampen gesmoord."

"Door de regen en de wind
Zal ik naast je blijven staan..."

Fred­dy and I have seen a lot of The Nether­lands dur­ing the past weeks. Espe­cial­ly Fred­dy has been sail­ing on Dutch waters. One thing he did was a sail­ing trip of sev­er­al days on the IJs­selmeer and through Ams­ter­dam. I joined him dur­ing one day, that turned out to be the only sun­ny day of that trip ;-). The dark and heavy rain­clouds were a nice view.



Besides enjoy­ing the water we are also work­ing at times. We just got our visa for Kenya and Mada­gas­car. To get them, we had to trav­el to yet anoth­er part of the Nether­lands, The Hague and Rotterdam. 

Trav­el­ling by train and see­ing these flat land­scapes with cows, grass and flow­ers — I real­ly feel at home in this coun­try. Even when pol­i­tics are con­sid­ered, there is still a strong sense of inclu­sive pol­i­cy and tol­er­ance. In Schevenin­gen we saw how the gov­ern­ment opened a road to the sea that is acces­si­ble for wheel­chairs. Things like this, accep­tance and cel­e­bra­tion of vari­ety makes me hap­py to be Dutch.
