
This week­end we moved home, from Amers­foort (NL) to Gilling­ham (UK). Mov­ing house always brings out the truth that the cos­mos tends to fall into chaos. Pack­ing results in a mess of box­es and things, not just in the house but also in my head. Dur­ing the last week, I almost missed the train three times, some­thing that nor­mal­ly nev­er hap­pens. Like every time we move, we over­es­ti­mat­ed the capac­i­ty of the trail­er, so we could not take all the stuff that was packed to go. But in this respect we agree with Gandhi:

… a man who is poor will con­tin­u­al­ly exam­ine him­self and find out what are the super­flu­ous things he keeps for him­self, and, if you con­duct your­self in a sports­man­like spir­it from day to day, you will be astound­ed at the few­ness of things you require.

(with which I do not intend to call our­selves ‘poor’)

Ivan kijkt uit het raamWhen arriv­ing at the new house, the chaos got worse. Geert had come with us so he could take the car back to Hol­land. That also meant a wel­come extra pair of hands. The house is a bit fur­ther from the uni­ver­si­ty and the cen­tre than where we lived in 2012. But all of it can be reached eas­i­ly by bike. In our terms it is an enor­mous house, with 3 rooms (liv­ing, bed and din­ing), kitchen and bathroom.

It actu­al­ly has too many doors and win­dows, which had us con­stant­ly on alert to keep Ivan inside. Imag­ine the shock when Fred­dy walked out of the back door the first evening and in came the cat. Today I just put on his col­lar with our details so we could open all the doors. After all, Ivans home­li­ness is stronger than our con­trol over the house.

Freddy maait het gras

Mean­while, Fred­dy has man­aged the nature in our gar­den with the lawn mow­er that comes with the house. And now, at the end of the week­end, I am typ­ing in our well ordered liv­ing room. Only 2 box­es are still left unpacked. The clock stands on the radi­a­tor, but doesn’t tick any less gezel­lig for it. Fred­dy is mak­ing tea in the din­ing room. The chaos is sub­dued. For now.


(Source quote from Gand­hi: Mark Lind­ley, Gand­hi on prov­i­dence and greed)